Coming Events
To get on our list for upcoming events, send email to
What Volunteers Say About Our Outings: “Instant gratification and a sense of accomplishment are two of the many rewards I received from the last Tree Friends outing on November 12. The event gave me another opportunity to maintain healthy trees that provide shade, beautiful foliage, nesting places for birds, acorns for hungry species, soil retention, and much more.” --Joanne M.
Coming Events
Our next outing will be on Friday, March 7, 2025 from 1 to 3 PM. We will meet at the parking lot across from the Sycamore Store on MacArthur Blvd at Walhonding Road. Sign up here:
Previous 2025 events
February 24 at Glen Echo Park. We continued to clear invasives in and around the Park.
February 9 at Glen Echo Park. We cleared vines from trees near the glassblowing shop.
January 28 in Cabin John. We cleared invasives north of the one-lane bridge.
Some of our 2024 events
December 17 at Lock 10 on the C&O Canal. This was our first outing to this Lock.
December 8 at Glen Echo Park. We cleaned up the entrance to the Park and surrounding areas.
November 18 around the Irish Inn at Glen Echo. We removed English Ivy and other invasives in the area.
October 28 at C&O Canal Lock 8. We continued our work clearing invasives and we saved many more trees on both sides of the canal.
October 13 at Glen Echo Park. We cleared English ivy and bush honeysuckle around the parking lot and inside the Park. And we had a special guest: Montgomery County Council member (and President) Andrew Friedson.
September 28 at the Mohican Pool. We removed English ivy and other invasive plants from trees inside the fence of the pool that threaten to spill over into neighboring public and private lands.
September 13 at Cabin John. We continued our progress saving trees and natural habitat.
June 21 Big Kudzu Path on MacArthur Blvd near Sycamore lot. We killed off huge kudzu vines destroying trees.
June 9 at Glen Echo Park with Little Falls Watershed Alliance. We cleared a ton of honeysuckle bush and other invasives.
May 21 in the Town of Glen Echo, MacArthur Blvd - Removed lots English Ivy strangling trees
May 7 Party at Irish Inn - A meeting of fellow Tree Friends to celebrate a year of accomplishments.
May 2 at Brookmont Neighborhood on MacArthur Blvd. Freeing the trees from massive vines.
April 15 by C&O Canal, Lock 8. We worked around the lock house and along the Canal to remove English ivy and wisteria
March 30 at Glen Echo Park. We removed English Ivy from trees at the edge of Glen Echo Park near the Irish Inn.
March 11 at Glen Echo Park - 14 of us cleared huge ivy vines 25 yrs old from trees inbound from Glen Echo.
February 26 at Glen Echo Park - Twelve of us continued freeing the trees of the old ivy. Good progress!
Our 2023 events included:
March 11. MacArthur Blvd at Brookmont rescuing tall trees from envelopment by English Ivy.
March 15. Near Glen Echo Park by the Irish Inn freeing trees from climax English Ivy infestation.
March 29. MacArthur Blvd near the Sycamore Store removing massive kudzu from the trees.
April 2. Glen Echo Park freeing trees from tons of English Ivy, multiflora rose, and honey suckle bush.
April 8, Cabin John Freeing badly smothered trees along MacArthur Boulevard near the Union Arch bridge.
April 22, Cabin John Local Park on MacArthur Blvd planned and managed by Montgomery County Parks, a division of the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
April 22at Brookmont community planting several hundred seedlings (native oaks and other).
May 21 Mohican Hills Park clearing tress of this Montgomery County park massively overrun by English ivy, wisteria, and multiflora rose.
June 3 Historic Glen Echo Park extended freeing trees from English Ivy on both sides of the gorge bridge.
June 17, Cabin John Garden, We expanded previous work and freed old trees from massive ivy and porcelain berry vines.
July 14, Historic Glen Echo Park, Continued progress clearing English ivy other invasives.
September 15. MacArthur Blvd near the Sycamore Store attacking the immense kudzu patch and other vines killing trees.
September 30 Glen Echo Park removing a ton of porcelain berry from trees and bushes along the gorge and ivy.
October 13 Lock 8 C&O Canal battling extensive wisteria, ivy, porcelain berry, and multiflora rose infesting the area.
October 20 Lock 10 C&O Canal Cut old growth wisteria choking high in the trees. The lock house is available for travelers.
October 22 Historic Glen Echo Park, Continued our excellent progress clearing English ivy other invasives.
November 11 Historic Glen Echo Park, .Returned to remove English Ivy and other invasives. Great to see the dead vines!!
November 15 Saint Bartholomew's Church Cut 200 ft of the massive curtain of kudzu bordering River Rd at Wilson Lane.
December 4 Near Historic Glen Echo Park, .Cut huge English Ivy vines smothering trees and cleared along MacArthur Blvd.
December 16 Historic Glen Echo Park. Continuing our battle with the immense infestation of English Ivy and other invasives.